One of the Best Adventures...

The WYOmericana Caravan tour has been over for more than a month now, but we are still thinking about all that fun we had traveling around with the crazy circus of folks and playing all that great music. Our friends at Mountain Khakis (and one of our tour sponsors!) asked us how everything went and if we would write up a summary about the tour for their MK Livin' Blog. Why certainly! Here's an excerpt from that blog post (written by SDP's own Seadar Rose)...

"As a musician on the tour I can easily say this was the best adventure I have ever been a part of! Touring the Rockies with some of the most talented artists I know was an inspiring experience. We played in bars, theatres, backyards and vans. We met new friends and fans throughout the Rockies and re-confirmed our love for the West and its people."

Click here to read the full blog post!



SDP to record at Daytrotter!


WYOmericana Video from The Saratoga Sun